Mixing up homemade whipped cream is one of the easiest things you can do to take your baking to the next level. The perfect topping for pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving, you definitely want to keep these tips for how to quickly and easily whip cream into submission in your back pocket this holiday season. To…
Cooking Tips: DeGlazing
DeGlazing? Like…licking the delicious-ness of a glazed donut right? Mmmmmmm donuts. No! That’s not what we’re talking about here. See what you’ve done? Now I can’t stop thinking about donuts. Bah. N-E-Way, back to what we came here for. Deglazing. That is a cooking term. And if you learn what it’s all about, you are…
Cooking Tips: Salt
Poor salt. It has really gotten a bad reputation over the years. But I’m here to clear some things up. That table salt you use? Probably this stuff here, is no good for you. Because it has been chemically refined. Long term overuse has health risks such as kidney stones, high blood pressure, etc. In fact…
Cooking Tips: Zesting
What did I say last week? Zesting? Ah, that’s right. This is a post about how to get the most out of your citrus…from that part you usually toss in the garbage. Look, I’ll just come right out and say it. I LOVE to zest. Some of you may know what zesting is, how to…
Cooking Tips: Substitution
It’s happened to all of us. We’ll be reading over a recipe and realize that we don’t have one of the ingredients called for. There’s no time (or energy) to run out to the store again…so what do we do? Well, this is where we learn… Today’s Tip: Learning the art of substitution And it’s…
Cooking Tips: Timing is Everything
Sure, sure, you’ve heard the phrase “timing is everything”, but it is SO true when it comes to cooking. You’re thinking to yourself “Duh! Of course timing is important!” But surprisingly, this is one of the biggest gaffes in cooking and even veteran cooks can let time get away from them. Understanding the importance of…
Cooking Tips: the Beginning
It’s that time! The brand new time! The resolution making time! And this year we will focus a LOT more on cooking and photography… So we’re kicking it off with a new section of cooking tips. Learning to cook, becoming a better cook, cooking healthier, all seem to be popular resolutions. Since we both come from…