There are quite a few people out there that can easily say they wouldn’t be where or who they are today without Susie & Bill Dupes.
They are the keepers of the kids. Together they have one daughter…but you wouldn’t know that. You’d think they have tons of kids. My history with the Dupes & Dalton family stem back as far as I can remember (and before that too). I’m not even sure how they came into my life, but they are present in my earliest memories. I’m going to lay it out on the table, Susie & Bill (& Kim) helped raise me. As a waitress, My Mom worked a lot of nights to keep food on the table and that meant I needed to have somebody take care of me. I can’t even begin to fathom the number of nights I stayed at their apartment but I’m sure if you added it all up, you’d have years. There is no possible way for me to picture my childhood without them. They weren’t just babysitters. Teenagers can babysit. They were an alternate set of parents for me. Teaching me right from wrong, how to absorb books, Star Trek, Bruce Lee, and more Star Trek. But they didn’t hesitate to teach me lessons either. Which I KNOW my Mom is grateful for. Aside from my parents, Susie & Bill no doubt have the thickest binder of embarrassing stories they could tell about me.
And when I say I’m not the only one, I mean it. Their house was always full. If it wasn’t me, it was Hannah, Aubrie,Cheyenne…(and the list goes on). And somehow in the middle of all those kids, they managed to raise one of their own, who (in my opinion) has turned out to be an exceptionally beautiful, smart, and talented young woman. It takes a special kind of people to open their home they way that they have. It is a place of refuge for all those seeking a semblance of family. They are givers and have been givers as long as I can remember. Even when they didn’t have anything to give, they still did. And there’s certainly never a shortage of love in their home. I will always be grateful for you and your whole family for taking an interest when you didn’t have to. You all truly helped shape my life, and I can safely speak for other kids as well. I love you all dearly.
So…I guess my question for Susie & Bill…Are you guys like…superheroes?
Apologies in advance for the “awesome” pictures…Those were from a LONG time ago….LOOOOOONG time.
Next Up: Mandy
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