Many of you are aware by now that we have been doing the fitness craze known as P90X.
Before we committed to this, we really needed to make sure we were going to stick with it no matter how many bad days we had or how many times we just wanted to come home and faceplant into the couch. But after seeing some good friends have excellent results, we talked ourselves into it.
Daily fitness is the last thing on a LOT of people’s minds, including ours prior to starting this whole ordeal. But what I didn’t expect was the criticism coming at us from every angle. You mention that you’re working out and dieting and people fly off the handle wanting to know why you’re so crazy before you can even offer up an explanation.
If I had a nickel for every time I heard the following phrase:
“You guys are the LAST people that need to be working out/dieting/losing weight!”
I wouldn’t be sitting here right now. I’d be sipping Mai Tais in St. Lucia. Okay, maybe a slight exaggeration, but you get the point 😉
The concept here is that just because we’re not “out of shape” to begin with means that we don’t have to work out right?
Here’s my answer. That’s utterly ludicrous. We have to deal with that whole aging process just as much as everyone else does. And if you take better care of your body, it will take better care of you. True story.
For me, core strength was an issue. As in, I really needed some. Look, I’m a skinny guy. I’ve always been a skinny guy and (let the hate roll in) will always BE a skinny guy. I’m just built that way. But there are drawbacks to being really skinny. For example, lack of strength. My body’s not going to start magically building muscle as I get older. And I don’t want to be 50 and having joint issues or be a weakling because I didn’t take care of myself. And I’ve had a string of basketball related injuries over the years that have already taken long term effects on my body
So my goals were the following: Lose the doughy portion that was starting to take hold of my midsection (amirite?), get lean(er), Start building some more muscle, and increase my overall health
Kara’s goals were far simpler. Lose a few pounds and tone up. Has she accomplished that goal? She’ll say she hasn’t gotten the results she expected, but I would argue that. I’m not looking at her through that dirty “self-conscious” filter. Everybody’s their own worst critic right? Well, she’s no different. I say she’s gotten great results and I’m super proud of her.
So what has Tony Horton & company done for us in 90 days? Other than try to kill us? A whole heck of a lot. Our bodies have changed. We are faster, stronger, leaner and more energetic. And we’ve learned that having someone yell at you 6 days a week for 13 weeks will make you start talking back to the TV.
And the food? Listen, I’m going to get real for a second. Since starting P90X, our grocery bill has gone through the roof. Healthy, fresh food is outrageously expensive. This could send me on a novel length tyrade about how America actually discourages eating healthy with our backwards grocery pricing. But I digress.
P90X comes with a nutrition guide. And if you want maximum results, you’ll need to stick to it. It’s a big pain at first, but consider it a class in learning how to eat right. Counting calories, tracking percentages of protein, carbs, and fat, etc.
We have officially become “those” people now. The ones who look at the nutritional info on the back of everything before we buy it. We weigh our food, measure our portions and have apps on our phones so we can keep track on the go. This has become 2nd nature to us now.
Exercising and eating right has become taboo in our society. So, maybe that’s why we got called crazy for starting this regimen.
Now that our 90 days are up. We don’t have to exercise anymore or eat healthy anymore. But will we? You betcha. Because P90X wasn’t for 90 days. It was a life changing decision. However, you better believe that from now on we’re leaving ONE day a week to cut loose with food and spoil ourselves. Because Lord help me, if I don’t sauté something in butter every once in a while, a part of my soul will die. Also a true story.
So far we’re feeling great. And if you’re asking yourself if you want to do P90X, allow me to make you a check list to consider:
- It will require at least an hour of your time, 6 days a week
- You’ll need a pull-up bar, some free weights or resistance bands and a yoga mat.
- There is a lot of high intensity cardio involved. If you’re really overweight or really out of shape, I’d consider consulting a doctor before trying something like this. They have a “fit test” that will help you determine if this is for you.
- It will require you to change your diet and track everything you put into your body
- It will change your eating habits. No more 3 square meals. Try 5-6 smaller meals.
- Your grocery bill will go up because you’ll be buying lean meats, fresh fruits, fresh veggies and whole grains
- You’ll need to invest in a food scale
- You’ll be eating healthy 7 days a week.
My wife is very modest, and has asked me not to share her photos. Secondly, as her husband, I don’t really want to plaster photos of her on the interwebs that highlight the weight she was trying to lose…because I love and respect her wishes.
But me? I am shameless! Here’s my before and after. I am changing my middle name to “Beast” (I kid, I kid)
So, there you have it. Not too shabby? Still a ways to go before I can boast commercial-worthy abs though :p
Hope this served as entertainment and perhaps some motivation!
Visible abs! You have reached the holy grail for manliness.
Also, standing ovation on the half-rant, half-inspirational-speech about the taboo nature of wanting to be, omg, healthy!
Soo right on about healthy living not being only about “losing weight”. Especially in 20-30 years when we are in way better shape/health than we would have been otherwise!
And yeah.. cooking something in butter every now and then. If I don’t occasionally indulge in something that contains butter, sugar, flour, and has been baked at 350 for 20-22 minutes – I will perish.